Monday, September 6, 2021

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/6/21

 It's Monday!  What Are You Reading?  

Jen from  Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers are co-hosting the #IMWAYR blog hop.  Check out all the links to other blogs and see what great children's literature everyone is sharing; picture books, middle grade, and young adult.  

I'd like to begin today by saying a great, big thank you to everyone who welcomed me to the community last week!  What a kind, kid lit-loving group you all are!

What I've Been Reading:

A snapshot of my Goodreads 2021 Challenge.
PPhoto by Amy Soto

When I looked at my Goodreads 2021 Reading Challenge, I realized that I did not read any children's literature (other than what I talk about below).  Possibly of interest, I did however, read, I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel.  I adored this little gem and highly recommend it to any bibliophile!  Bogel is the creator of the blog, Modern Mrs. Darcy and the podcast, "What Should I Read Next?" and "One Great Book."  

What I've Been Writing:
As I continue work on my memoir writing, I continue to read about the topic.  Although this book, Your Life Is a Story, is interesting and helpful, I found the book I shared last week to be more helpful, with detailed instructions on the how-to aspect for writing memoir.  

My current writer's notebook and a book about writing.  
Photo by Amy Soto

What I've Been Learning:
I love poetry, especially poetry for children!  This past week, I've been reading one of my newer poetry anthologies.  I enjoy the poems and think of ways to bring them to life for children.  This past week, though, I've been reading and rereading the poems with the eye of a writer.  I love to write poetry and like to post my poems and share to the Poetry Friday community.  To learn more about Poetry Friday, check out the information here.  I've been focusing on how different poets write; their style, rhythm, rhyme, meter, etc.  I love to learn about writing by reading other writer's work.  They say, "if you want to be a writer, read, read, and read!"  I am always learning and if I want to be a better poet, then I know I should be reading lots of poetry!  

This is a beautiful poetry anthology!  
Photo by Amy Soto

What I've Been Loving:
I love to create journals and memory books to hold onto my memories.  These books hold photographs, lists, and other journaling.  I completed my October memory keeping book and am working on my September book as we proceed through the month.  

  My October memory book.  
Photo by Amy Soto

I've been inspired to use this outline for my post by Stephanie at A Lit Life.  Thank you for your inspirational posts, Stephanie!  

  Pool side reading.  
Photo by Amy Soto

This coming week's reading plan includes some pool side reading!  I know that Labor Day weekend is considered to be the "unofficial" last weekend of summer but I love to swim and want to get in as many more pool days as I can before the summer weather really does come to an end.  

I know that many of you are heading back to school, that is, if you haven't already.  I would like to wish you a wonderful school year filled with lost of literacy love!  May you share great books with your students!  Happy Reading!  


  1. How nice that you've found a book that you find helpful in your writing, Amy. There are certainly lots about writing memoir available. And, enjoy that pool. We have lots of hot weather continuing so I know many will love theirs.

  2. Have you read Timothy Steele, or his book "All the fun's in how you say a thing?" He's my absolute favorite, and champions formal verse.

  3. Good luck with your writing, reading and swimming!

  4. That's so cool that you're working on a memoir! I'm glad you've found some helpful craft books for that topic. And your scrapbook for October looks so cute!!! It's so neat that you make those for every month to hang onto memories. I hope you enjoy your poolside reading, and thanks so much for the great post!

  5. I'm envious of your memory book work. I'm SOOOO behind in ours! I was doing so well for a few years and printing multiple copies (so that each of our five children could leave with yearbooks for each year), but with the surprise birth of our 5th and youngest, I stalled and haven't yet gotten back with the program. I yearn for a year where I can just focus on finishing the last few years up. I love making the books and having them on our shelves!!

    I haven’t yet replied to my blog comments, but since you asked about my semester and what I was studying I figured I’d answer over here. I usually teach education majors at our local college. Elisabeth (of The Dirigible Plum blog) and I have taught Children’s Literature and Digital Literacy from the same platform, then I’ve also taught the Library Science courses and Music in the Elementary Classroom (where we also include tons of children’s literature), and whatever else I’m needed for.

    Thanks for the shares, Amy, and I hope you have a fantastic reading week!


Multicultural Children’s Book Day

Welcome to Multicultural Children's Book Day!  Below you will find my reviews for a picture book and a chapter book.  Happy Reading!   A...