Friday, October 8, 2021

A Rare Mother Goose Book Find

 I have recently started a YouTube channel and this is my video where I discuss a rare, Mother Goose collection that I found at a wonderful little used bookstore in Cherry Valley, NY.  Check out The Cherry Valley Bookstore and check out my video!  

Check out my video at Mother Goose Librarian!

Today's Poetry Friday round up is being hosted by Irene at Live Your Poem, where she discusses her new and exciting writing course!  She is also sharing her poem called, "Autumn Puzzle" as well as, Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Autumn."  Make sure you check out her blog!   


  1. A wonderful vintage find! Thanks for sharing your video with us.

  2. Oh wow, what a treasure! Thank you for sharing!

  3. So great! Thanks for letting us see!

  4. Thanks for sharing this lovely book and your video!


Multicultural Children’s Book Day

Welcome to Multicultural Children's Book Day!  Below you will find my reviews for a picture book and a chapter book.  Happy Reading!   A...